90 Day Keto Challenge - Week Four


Week four - 90 day keto challenge

Four weeks in the books and this week has been difficult. You see, these past four weeks haven’t gone as I had expected. As someone who likes to think I have this weight loss stuff all figured out, it’s been a struggle for me.

Reminder, this was my covid weight loss plan

The Goal: Lose 15 lbs in 90 days by following a ketogenic diet, tracking my food intake, and moving my body. 

Diet: Keto with a high protein focus. I will track my macros every single day. I will do some intermittent fasting and extended fasting. Click here for my post on what a full day of following a keto diet looks like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Exercise: 1,000 jumps a day with my jump rope AND a minimum of 30 minutes additional activity. Example: walking the dog, strength training at the gym, gymnastics (once restrictions lift, I’m registered for a weekly gymnastics class for adults!)

Accountability: I will share an update every week on Sunday evening, here on my blog to let you know how the week went and share a weekly weigh in. Once a month, I will update my photos and measurements with before and after comparisons.

I will be so thrilled with myself when I accomplish these 90 days. I hope you will follow along on my journey!

Click here to see my starting weight, scale metrics, and before photos.


Reflection on the past four weeks

The Good Stuff

What’s gone really well? I like to start with the good stuff because it’s not all bad!

My activity level has ramped up so much this past month. I’ve logged 28,000 jumps with my jump rope (72,000 since the beginning of the year). I completed two weeks of my push up challenge and will be repeating week two again because I couldn’t do 16 push ups which is necessary to move on to week 3. I did do 15 in a row which is a new record for me, so I’m excited to see progress.

I’ve been going to the gym 4-5 days a week and starting to get my bearings again to push forward in progressive overload and pushing my body.

My body has been sore for the past 28 days and that is a sole testament to how much I have kicked my own ass.

Showing up like this has not mentally easy. You know what is really nice, staying cozy on the couch under a big blanket.

It’s mentally challenges to push yourself out of your comfort zone on a daily basis. I’m proud of myself for showing up and knocking the exercise portion of this challenge out of the park.

The Not so Good Stuff

Clearly we’ve all heard the saying “you can’t out work a bad diet” and If I’m being really honest with myself I have really let the ball slip. I had 4 cheat meals this past month which I think is too much when you’re actively trying to lose weight.

I have not prioritized protein as I set out to do, with most days being only 80-90 g (target 140).

Tracking went to shit this past week.

So there’s that.

Moving forward - 8 weeks left!

Well the good thing is that there are still 8 weeks left to this challenge for me to reset and continue working towards my goal. Clearly I need to focus in on my diet so that this entire challenge won’t be a complete embarrassment!

I’m NOT going to cut back my calories to a level so low that my body becomes unhealthy in my pursuit of weight loss.

I’m NOT going to restrict my food to only “whole foods”, “no inflammatory oils” etc.

I’m not going to exercise MORE to hit a weight loss goal. I am already very active.

I WILL prioritize protein in my diet and increase my water intake.

I WILL track my macros with goals and do my best to stick within them.

I WILL prioritize sleep and stretching because being sore constantly is not fun!

Some Before and During Photos

I DON’T SEE ANY VISIBLE CHANGES and neither will you. Also it’s 28 days not 30 but this is the second time making this graphic and it’s too late on a Sunday for me to modify it LOL.


#90ketodays - week four weigh in results

Starting weight: 161.2 lbs

Week one weigh in: 157.6 lbs

Week two weigh in: 159.2 lbs

Week three weigh in: 159 lbs

Week four weigh in: 160.7 lbs

Total weight lost past four weeks: 0.5 lbs


Measurement Changes

Over four weeks there have been some changes to my body. Some areas got bigger and some smaller. Not by a lot, just minor changes. Interesting to see that while the scale hasn’t changed much, things are changing.

Height: 5’ 6”ish

Measurements - Beginning vs Week Four:

Neck: 32 cm Week Four Neck: 32 cm Change: None

Chest: 93 cm Week Four Chest: 91.5 cm Change: -1.5 cm

Right Arm: 33.5 cm Week Four Right Arm: 34.1 cm Change: +0.6 cm

Waist: 81.5 cm Week Four Waist: 79 cm Change: -2.5 cm

Love Handles: 100 cm Week Four Love Handles: 95 cm Change: -5 cm

Hips: 102.5 cm Week Four Hips: 101 cm Change: -1.5 cm

Right Thigh: 60.5 cm Week Four Right Thigh: 62 cm Change: + 1.5 cm

Right Calf: 38 cm Week Four Right Calf: 37.5 cm Change: -0.5 cm

Total measurement change: -8.9 cm

If you’d like to drop your covid weight you should join me!

Feel free to tag me on Social Media and use #90ketodays so I can check in on your progress! Feel free to start at any date – even if I’ve already completed this challenge.

As always, I appreciate you reading and checking in on my journey! If you have any questions that you’d like answered about these next 90 days, please leave a comment below.



Read more about my #90ketodays on these other blog posts

Hi I’m JoannaAfter losing 60 lbs following a ketogenic diet, I’m passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. I live by example and want to encourage you to make big changes in your life, get creative, and accomplish more than you ever th…

Hi I’m Joanna

After losing 60 lbs following a ketogenic diet, I’m passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. I live by example and want to encourage you to make big changes in your life, get creative, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

Click  to learn more about me


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Low Carb Chicken Enchiladas


90 Day Keto Challenge - Week Three